“Centered on Christ, we are called to be an inviting beacon of light in our community”


Dear Members of Dr. Martin Luther Church,



In the midst of our slow return from the pandemic, we are eager to share with you the details of our re-opening plan for worship indoors, as it will be wonderful to be able to gather again as a community of faith in our beautiful sanctuary. 


We will hold services, beginning June 27/28, at 5:00 pm on Saturday and 9:00 am and 10:30 am on Sunday, our usual service times. Because we will require spacing in the sanctuary, it would be helpful if some folks consider attendance on Saturday where fewer people traditionally attend–or perhaps attend the first service on Sunday. The Saturday and 9:00 am services will have identical content, a more traditional service with accessible music and a liturgy all can enjoy. 



Consistent with the best science guidance, all the services will include the following: 

                –Helpful ropes will indicate distance seating for spacing of individuals and/or family groups

                –Age 5+ wear masks for the time being. Yes, we can still sing! (Remove for Communion)

                –Communion in “one kind” only, meaning only the bread/host (approved method by the synod)

                — Wearing a mask and gloves, the pastor will bring the bread to each pew and person

                –Children will receive a children’s message in a safe manner (and a blessing at distribution)

                –There will be no hymnals, notepads, offering envelopes, pencils, etc in the pews

                –Worship bulletins will be individual and disposable

                –Worshippers will be encouraged to keep distance as they enter and exit (no coffee hour)

                –The pastor won’t shake hands and people will do a “wave-N-nod” Passing of the Peace

                –Monthly the pastor will offer an individual healing blessing/anointing after the service

                –Hand sanitizer will be available and people are encouraged to bring their own

                –High-touch surfaces will be cleaned between services 

                –Offerings in plates will be stationary for drop-off envelopes, rather than passing a plate

                –Extra masks will available for visitors or folks who forgot to bring one


We do not want these guidelines to feel restrictive or get in the way of a joyful return to worship indoors, with praise, prayers, preaching, and the presence of our Lord in Communion. We hope you will feel comfortable and blessed as you return, so an online video will provide orientation before June 27/28. 


At the forefront of our minds are the health concerns of people in our congregation who should not yet gather with others, so we will continue to record online worship for the foreseeable future, available on Sunday after church services. We will continue to pray for health and recovery. 



Praying God’s Blessing on our Congregation,


Council, Worship and Music Ministry/Staff and Pastor





P.S. Outdoor worship will continue at 10 am on June 14 and 21. 


Using self-contained packets of host and fruit of the vine, Holy Communion will be shared on Father’s Day the 21st, including for those who want to come only at 11:00 am to receive Communion in a drive-through manner.


In the case of inclement weather on the 14th or 21st, there will be an announcement at 8 am on the church’s website and phone at 262/567-3829; or call Pastor Samuelson at 262/909-2990.  


******In the event of rain, Communion on Father’s Day will still be distributed at 11 am.*********

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