Congregational Update Letter: Re-Opening

“Centered on Christ, we are called to be an inviting beacon of light in our community”

Dear Members of Dr. Martin Luther Church,

            We hope to find you all safe and well rested from the past holiday weekend. A time of solemn reflection and acknowledgement of the sacrifices that came before, in order for us to have the freedom to make the choices we face in times of uncertainty and apprehension. Although seemingly the church doors have been silent, the congregational community has not! We are extremely grateful for the many ways you have been doing the work of the church during this time of pandemic. Additionally, the patience you have exhibited while constantly wondering when we can worship together again has been very gracious and heartwarming.

            The DMLC leadership has carefully considered what would be the most prudent and safest course of action that allows us to resume in person worship services, and will keep the membership connected to the community. While the specifics and the protocol we employ may evolve as we all become more knowledgeable, we felt that it was important to develop a plan with the “How and When” now.

            We are happy to announce to you our current three-part plan that the council leadership has developed for resuming worship in the coming weeks and months at DMLC:

1.  Continuation of on-line worship For those people who cannot attend church or who have a concern or reluctance to attend a group setting with others, we will continue to provide a service online each weekend, much like the services we have been posting over the last few months.

2.  We will be holding an Outdoor Unity service at 10:00 am on three successive Sundays—June 7, 14 and 21. These half-hour services will be held in the parking lot and lawn, with sound system, music, lessons, prayers, and a sermon. Scientific experts suggest that an outdoor setting is substantially less conducive to transmission. We want your comfort and faith to be one and the same. Please bring your own lawn chair, sit at a comfortable six-foot distance apart (closer in family groups), and wear a mask at least until seated. Logistically the distribution of Holy Communion is uncertain making it difficult to celebrate. Offerings can be made in stationary plates. Wear comfortable clothes, and bring your own coffee or juice! It is all weather permitting.

3.  We plan to begin our regular indoor services on Saturday, June 27 at 5:00 and at the regular times thereafter. We are blessed with a spacious sanctuary, and three service options provide comfortable arrangements for safe physical distancing in worship. The Worship Committee and Council will continue to discuss in the coming weeks as we prepare to worship together again: physical distancing, sanitation and hygiene, handouts vs. hymnals, the wearing of masks for protection of others, a safe method of distributing Communion (we have options besides intinction), singing, entrance and departing from groups, etc.

            We have prayed long and thought hard about how we will proceed. This will be based on the best information we have available at the time regarding the development of the virus, the feedback from all of you, as well as guidance from the Synod.

            Our hope is that the welcoming sanctuary we have always provided as a beacon in the community, can welcome us back in a way we too can feel safe. The unity of our congregation, whether in spirit or physically, is our primary goal as God blesses us in worship. Please continue to pray for God’s grace and blessing for all of the members and visitors of DMLC as we return to the Lord’s house.

In Christ may your blessings abound,

DJ Scherret, Council President

Stephen D. Samuelson, Interim Pastor

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